Nitrification Principle / Field Trials of Nitrification Efficiency
Nitrifying bioreactors are activated with consortia of nitrifiers by immobilizing them on an inert substratum designed as cartridge. They grow as biofilm and as water passes over nitrification is effected. The consortia consist of diverse flora of autotrophic nitrifiers as presented in the figures below.
NsV 443 (Nitrosospira sp.)
Nitrifiers inside cysts
NIT2 (Nitrobacter sp.)
Ntspa 712 (Phylum Nitrospira)
Cells having intracytoplasmic membranes & carboxysomes characteristic to the autotrophic nitrifiers
NmV (Nitrosococcus mobilis linneage)
DAPI stained consortia
Diversity of the cells in the consortia
EUB 338 (Bacteria)
NSO 190 (β Ammonia Oxidizers)
NEU (Halophilic Nitrosomonas sps)
The nitrifiers function on Monod principle and have the capability to enhance activity with increase in the total ammonia-nitrogen loading as illustrated in the figure below. The outgoing ammonia concentration and NO 2 -N is maintained below 0.1 ppm even when the incoming ammonia concentration exceeds 0.5 ppm.
*Field level validations have been conducted in live hatcheries and the results are summarized below.