Recirculating Aquaculture Systems - RAS


Three categories of probiotics are offered as consumables in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS):


Bioremediation in aquaculture an emerging technology which opens up new possibilities for better and sustainable production with least disturbance to the surrounding environment. There are two approaches to the process of bioremediation. 1. Biostimulation (stimulating the native microorganisms to perform better) and 2. Bioaugmentation (introduction of new organisms for better activity). In fin and shellfish culture system hypolimnion of pond bottom is the most dynamic micro-ecosystem, which precisely determines the fate of grow outs in terms of production and onset of diseases. During the culture period, this thin sediment water interface is continuously modified with the deposition of un-eaten feed, faecal matter, moults, dead phyto or zooplankton etc.


Enterotrophotic is a scientific blend of Bacillus cereus sensu lato (MCCB 101) (Genbank accession. no. EF 062509 and Arthrobacter nicotianae (Genbank accession no. EU402968). (MCCB 104) isolated from marine environment and characterized for application as gut probiotic. They control Vibrio in shrimp/prawn intestine by way antagonistic activity mediated by an extracellular anti-vibrio molecule and enhances feed acceptance and digestion by way of producing hydrolytic enzymes.

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Probiotics in shrimp culture have an outstanding positive impact in maintaining general health of the culture system, which includes both the animals and environment. Among the two broad categories of probiotics such as pond probiotics and gut probiotics, pond probiotics are of two categories. First category is the organisms, which are aimed at degrading the waste generated in the pond bottom and provide a healthier environment for the animals. Second category is the antagonistic bacteria, which suppress the pathogenic microbes present in the pond water and maintain a healthy balanced microbial ecosystem for better growth of the animals.

Why Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Aquaculture hatcheries currently use the open larval rearing system. The open larval rearing systems have been found to have certain shortcomings. These are illustrated in the figure below and explained subsequently.

In an open larval rearing system in a hatchery, there is continuous exchange of seawater on a regular basis. The quantum of exchange varies depending on the hatchery and could be as high as 100%. Due to the heavy demand of seawater in the production...


Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)

Recirculating aquaculture systems, or RAS, are closed-loop production systems that continuously filter and recycle water, enabling large-scale fish farming that requires a small amount of water and releases little or no pollution.

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+91 422 2608943

U-7, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore - 641042